The invasion of Iraq, based upon groundless allegations of "weapons of mass destruction," initiated without United Nations authorization, and illegal under international law, was intitiated over six years ago. In the estimation of Nobel Prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz, when all of the bills come due, this war and occupation will have cost the American people in excess of $3 trillion. And yet, over all this time, the political structure in Washington, D.C. has proven unable to stop throwing money at it.
In a democracy, the people are sovereign. And when our government leads the nation down a disastrous course, we the people have no choice but to speak out and demand that it stop. The time has come for the voters of San Francisco – and every other part of the nation – to say, "Enough! This war will end on the day we stop paying for it."
We know peace will not descend upon Iraq on the day the last American soldiers leave – this war has done far too much damage for that. But we know equally well that peace will not come to that land until our troops have left, something that all factions in Iraq agree needs to happen. At that point we can also begin the process of restoring America’s standing in the world.

Tom Gallagher, Committee to End the War in Iraq
Howard Wallace, Vice President for Community Affairs, San Francisco Labor Council
Debra Walker, Treasurer, San Francisco Democratic County Central Committee